I'd like to practice my English or other foreign language writing in this website. As a Chinese female who is eager to learn any other languages, this is a great start for me to step on a new world!

2009年5月16日 星期六


Good Morning.

I tried to ease my self down, and focused myself to God.
God said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."

I forget to love Him for a few days, a few weeks, and spare my heart to someone else. This morning, something had changed.
While still lying on the bed, I suddenly realized that truth. I souldn't love anyone more than God.

God is invisible, but his existence is clear and without doubt.
He knew all I need, and waked me up to remind me.

The bird's songs surrounding my house are much louder than ever, the trembling of my fresh is stronger than ever, and the image of someone is still vivid and clear. But in the deepest part of my soul, there is a spirit of God, holding my life firmly.

He said, shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind.

You're right. I can't say "No" to Him.
His love is trustful, and my love is temperary. Why love someone else with your own love? Why not love that one with your prayer and bless him/her through God's hands?

In last Friday night, one of my close female friends used the MP4 to record my prayer. She is touched by my prayer and left with a content face. Through the sincere prayer, she knew I love her. And she knew God loves her.

Praying for others is the most honest way and most harmless way to love someone.
I made a decision. Except for that kind of love, don't tease anyone else again.

Love without limitation

When you love someone, you can feel him all the time. Like a butterfly stirring in your stomach, you just can't stop thinking about him/her.
I never had that kind of experience until recently.

No matter how cold the reality is, the affection to someone is still heated up, and no one can vanish it.

But people said that if a couple getting deeper understanding to each other, their love and desire can be cool down.

Maybe I need to give it a shot, and then all these crazy feelings would flee when the time pass by?
I sould know how temporary human being's love could be.
Why do you love someone? If you can list the reasons why you love someone, I wonder if you really love him/her.

Love could be like a thunder or storm. It attacks you without notice. It overwhelms you without any cause.

I tried to resist it but in vain. I tried to neglect that feeling but fruitlessly. Love is a monster wearing the brilliant appearance. It urges you to give it a response, otherwise you'd be crazy.

But when you reveal your affection, it might be rooted in somewhere, waiting a chance to sprout from the deepest heart. It might be covered by a secret at the beginning, but if you keep nurishing it day and night, a outburst definitely would happen some other day. Only if you give it a chance.

Nurishing a affection seems harmless at first. But any seed surely will sprout out from the soil, likewise a simple feeling of love can grow up into a huge tree, damage your small home, stab through the thin roof.

If you worship love, where is its limitation? Love without limitation, can it really be harmless? I'm not sure. Maybe I'm now regretting what I have done.